Friday, October 30, 2015

A perfect painting spot

A wonderful fall day to get out and paint. I think it was up to 75º, so I packed up my gear and hit the river! This was todays effort at the Old Roswell Mill.  ~ Dawn

If interested in purchase click here for my secure market.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Art Adventures & classes

  Dawn Kinney Martin   

Fall is a great time to get outdoors to paint. The cooler temps are pleasant and the fall leaves are beautiful. But we have had so much rain lately, it has really pushed me as an artist to try to capture all that color in low light. I love that there is always a new challenge!

I'll be headed to Coastal Carolina for a week of Plein Air the first week of November. Despite the exciting challenge of painting on gray days, I hope the rain stays away!

          Classes and Workshops                

Color Workshop 
Color Confidence 2 Day Workshop

Nov 14 - 15, Sat & Sun 10:00 - 3  This will begin with demos and exercises followed by working on a painting. - 175.00

Weekly Classes 
Nov 11 - Dec 9, Wed 10am - 1 pm,  4 weeks 
No Class  Nov 25 3 hour Painting Techniques class - 150.00

Dec 1 - Dec 15,  6:15 pm - 9:30pm  3 weeks 
Tues Painting Studio  -  95.00

Classes held at DawnArt Studios
180 A 11th St NE, Atlanta GA 30309

Check out all classes available online: click Classes and Workshops

Other News - Plein Air Awards 

I recently took 2nd place and received a Purchase Award at the September Plein Air event in Stone Mountain. A big thank you to the Art Station, who presented the event; I am honored to have my work as part of your permanent collection!

Hope to see you out there.
Happy Fall, Dawn  

Questions? Get in touch 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Great weekend for and art show!!!

The weather was perfect this weekend and people came out to see the art and listen to great music. It was just hard to be in bad spirits this weekend at the Brookhaven Art Festival. I haven't done this show in several years, and I am glad I came back.

 A few of my favorite paintings found new homes this past weekend.
Flowers from a Friend, 20 x 20 oil on panel. This painting is based on flowers from my friend  Stuart's garden in my favorite vase. Talulah River, 16 x 20 plein air painting on canvas. This is my favorite painting spot when up at Parker Ranch.  Red Maple, 12 x 16 oil on panel. This was from the Olmsted plein air paint out, and I was pleased with the dappled light in this one.

It is so rewarding when your work in appreciated. A big thank you to my new collectors!!


Oct 3 Sat 10:00 - 3:00 Intro to Plein Air 
Oct 9-11, Fri - Sun Painting Retreat at the Parker Ranch Clayton, GA
Holiday Classes**
Nov 11 - Dec 9, Wed 10am - 1 pm Painting Techniques
November 14 - 15, Sat & Sun 10 - 3  2 Day Color Confidence  Workshop
Dec 1 - Dec 15,  6:15 pm - 9:30pm Tues Painting Studio 
**classes held at DawnArt Studios, 180 A 11th St NE, Atlanta GA 30309, unless noted.

Check out all classes available online click Classes and Workshops and choose the Classes and Workshop heading. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Still trying to capture color in low light.

"Misty Morning on Lake Clair Meer"
9 x 12 oil on panel, Plein air

This weekend, despite the rain, I taught a really fun plein air workshop. This was an introduction class geared to helping beginners get out there for the first time.  We started in the studio, covering how to get started and then hit Piedmont Park to practice. We found a covered spot over looking Lake Clair Meer and got started.  We got about 2 hours of painting in before heading back to beat the next round of rain storms.  This turned out to be perfect practice for me. I have really been struggling with how to paint color without the help of the sun.  Above is today effort. Seeing progress from last weekend, but still room for improvement.

A couple of the painters below, they really had a nice time. Even with the rain, we where covered and the temperature was great. 

Our inspiration for the day.
You can see what I mean by a gray day
Until next time, Dawn

Upcoming Classes

Despite the rain - it was a great plein air event!

The Stone Mountain Plein Air Event was a success. Over 50 artists turned out to compete on this rainy day. I admit, I really struggled trying to capture the grays. What a challenge, it really shows me this is an area I really need to work on. Well, after struggling all day a rushing backt o the art center - with only 2 minuets to spare, I was happy to be awarded 2nd place and a purchase award! My painting is now in the permanent collection of the Art Station!

 Above is a photo of me with my painting, " A Day in the Park" 12 x 16 and my two awards. What wonderful conclusion to a rainy day.

My inspiration for the paint out. It was so rainy, I had to find a covered spot to paint from.